Take your career to the top of the fitness industry. Help more people. Make more money. Be the Go-To Expert. As a Master Trainer, you will demonstrate a balanced knowledge of fitness and nutrition and a depth of expertise across many areas of fitness. Open your career path up to new possibilities as you establish yourself among the best.
With an increasingly sedentary lifestyle, the average trainee in gyms today presents far more movement and postural issues than ever before. Naturally, the older training methods cannot be used for the current gym demographic. Many trainees are simply not ready to train using conventional exercises like squats, bench presses or walking on the treadmill due to the degree of dysfunction that their bodies have. Unfortunately, most trainers just brush this problem under the carpet and resort to using machines that fix the plane of movement. While this may allow the trainee to exercise, It worsens their problems and sooner rather than later, will lead to more serious injuries. Distinguish yourself from the competition and learn the art and science of corrective exercise. However, until now this has been difficult to do due to the background in physiology required. We have simplified the process into a very straightforward method. Our course teaches you how to identify and fix dysfunction using basic tools and a simple approach that just requires you to be observant.
Unit 1: Fundamentals of corrective exercise
Lesson 1: Understanding Dysfunction
- What is muscle dysfunction?
- Static and dynamic dysfunction
- Length: Tension relationship
Tension and strength Vs. Mobility and tissue length
- Origin of dysfunction
Improper movement patterns
Compensations for weakness
Synergistic dominance
Reciprocal inhibition
Lesson 2: Process of corrective training (Phase Length/ Structure)
- Release and Mobilize (Passive + Active)
- Activate and Strengthen
- Modified strength training
Unit 2: Assessment of dysfunction
Lesson 1: Common Dysfunctions and Treatment
- Generally tight and weak muscles.
- Janda’s 3 dysfunction patterns: (With Standard Treatment Lists)
Upper Crossed Syndrome
Lower Crossed Syndrome
Pronation Distortion Syndrome
Lesson 2: Methods of Assessment
- Static postural assessment: Anterior, Lateral, and posterior view, checkpoints, deviation, causes, and treatments.
- Exercise assessment: Checkpoints, Views, Deviations, Cause and Treatment
Push up
Overhead squat facing wall
One-arm dumbbell row
Reverse lunges
Plate good mornings
Military Press with dumbbells
Unit 3: Release Methods and Recommendations
Lesson 1: Foam rolling General + ART
- Upper crossed syndrome
- Lower crossed syndrome
- Pronation distortion syndrome
Lesson 2: Tennis ball General + ART
- Upper crossed syndrome
- Lower crossed syndrome
- Pronation distortion syndrome
Unit 4: Mobilization and Recommendations
Lesson 1: Passive Stretching
- Upper crossed syndrome
- Lower Crossed syndrome
- Pronation Distortion Syndrome
Lesson 2: Active Stretching
- Upper crossed syndrome
- Lower Crossed syndrome
- Pronation Distortion Syndrome
Unit 5: Activation and Strengthening and Recommendations
Lesson 1: Activation
- Upper crossed syndrome
- Lower Crossed syndrome
- Pronation Distortion Syndrome
Lesson 2: Strengthening
- Upper crossed syndrome
- Lower Crossed syndrome
- Pronation Distortion Syndrome
Unit 6: Modifying Training Plans
Lesson 1: Training around the injury
Substituting exercises and using variations (Use the Janda 3 syndromes to classify)
Prevention of re-injury
Lesson 2: Sample rehab complexes
- Upper crossed syndrome: Shoulder pain
- Upper crossed syndrome: Neck and upper back pain
- Lower crossed syndrome: Lower back pain
- Lower crossed syndrome: Hip Pain
- Pronation distortion syndrome: Hip Pain
- Pronation distortion syndrome: knee pain
Advanced Personal Trainer Course
This course lasts 12 weeks and aims to thoroughly educate trainers on all aspects of exercise selection, technique, injury prevention and program design for clients of all types. We fully train the candidate in every facet of strength training, endurance and cardiovascular training, mobility and flexibility training, and fat loss training.
List of Topics
Unit 1: Foundations of Exercise Science
- General Adaptation Syndrome
-Training Economy
- Adaptations
- Principle of Specificity
- Principle of variation
- Fundamental fitness qualities
-Mobility and flexibility
- Effects of age and gender
- Summary
Unit 2: Principles and process of creating training plans
- The fundamental principles of training plans
- The process of program design
- Selection of basic movements
-Selection of secondary movements
-Setting goals
- Deciding frequency, sets and reps, weight and progression
-Distribute into a full program: Full body and split training
- Summary
Unit 3: Selecting and Performing Exercises
- Criteria for selection of exercises
- Progressions and regressions
- Fundamentals of exercise technique
- Anatomy- Terms and concepts
- Summary
Unit 4: Barbell and Dumbbell Exercises
- Horizontal Pushing
- Anatomy
- Regressions
- Core Loadable Variations
- Progressions
- Horizontal pulling
- Anatomy
- Regressions
- Core Loadable Variations
- Progressions
- Vertical pressing
- Anatomy
- Regressions
- Core Loadable Variations
- Progressions
- Vertical pulling
- Anatomy
- Regressions
- Core Loadable Variations
- Progressions
- Squatting
- Anatomy
- Regressions
- Core Loadable Variations
- Progressions
- Hip Hinging
- Anatomy
- Regressions
- Core Loadable Variations
- Progressions
- Spinal Flexion
- Anatomy
- Regressions
- Core Loadable Variations
- Progressions
- Spinal Rotation
- Anatomy
- Regressions
- Core Loadable Variations
- Progressions
Unit 5: Basic bodyweight exercises
- Horizontal Pushing
- Anatomy
- Regressions
- Fundamental bodyweight exercise
- Progressions
- Horizontal pulling
- Anatomy
- Regressions
- Fundamental bodyweight exercise
- Progressions
- Vertical pressing
- Anatomy
- Regressions
- Fundamental bodyweight exercise
- Progressions
- Vertical pulling
- Anatomy
- Regressions
- Fundamental bodyweight exercise
- Progressions
- Squatting
- Anatomy
- Regressions
- Fundamental bodyweight exercise
- Progressions
- Hip Hinging
- Anatomy
- Regressions
- Fundamental bodyweight exercise
- Progressions
- Spinal Flexion
- Anatomy
- Regressions
- Fundamental bodyweight exercise
- Progressions
- Spinal Rotation
- Anatomy
- Regressions
- Fundamental bodyweight exercise
- Progressions
Unit 6: Secondary Exercises
- Utility and function of secondary exercises
- List of exercises
Unit 7: Understanding Mobility and Flexibility
- Flexibility
-Understanding flexibility
-Limitations to flexibility
-Application of flexibility
-Stretching modalities
-Lithe 10 general template
- Mobility
-Understanding mobility
-Limitations to mobility
-Application of mobility
-Mobility modalities
-Basic 10 general template
- Summary
Unit 8: Mobility and Flexibility Exercises
- Flexibility exercises
- Mobility Exercises
Unit 9: Endurance training
- Introduction
- Adaptations
- Energy systems
- Cardiovascular training
- Work capacity training
- Special endurance
- Summary
Unit 10: Fat Loss Training
- Introduction
- Training structure
- Steady State cardio
- Weight training for Fat loss
- High-Intensity Endurance Training
- Summary
Unit 11: Basics of Periodisation
- Selecting Sets and reps, weight, and frequency.
- Super-compensation model
- Strength as a Skill model
- Different models of training
-Linear Simple
-Linear Mateev
-Linear Wave
-Double Progression
- Evaluating training plans
-Fatigue Management
-SRA curve
-Individual differences
- Summary
Unit 12: Creating training plans
- Training the Novice
- Training the beginner
- Training the intermediate
- Training the advanced athlete
- Summary
Chapter 1 - Anatomy of Shoulder Joint
Chapter 2 - Assessment of Shoulder Pain
Chapter 3 - Shoulder Mobility Exercises and Management
Chapter 4 - Shoulder Strengthening Exercises
Chapter 1 - Anatomy of the Elbow
Chapter 2 - Assessment of Elbow Pain
Chapter 3 - Elbow Mobility Exercises and Management
Chapter 4 - Elbow Strengthening Exercises
Chapter 1 - Anatomy of Wrist Joint
Chapter 2 – Wrist Assessment
Chapter 3 – Wrist Mobility Exercises and Management
Chapter 4 – Wrist Strengthening Exercises
Living with Diabetes is not easy. We know that diet and exercise are important in controlling your blood glucose, but how do you find a balance in this? The answer lies in understanding how your body reacts to diet, exercise, and medications, and how they should be planned together. This guide will help you enjoy your life and sustain your health.
This course covers:
1. Understanding Diabetes: This covers the basics, what it is, the types, how is it diagnosed, and what you can do to help.
2. Glucose control and complications
3. Planning your lifestyle
4. Planning exercise for diabetes
5. Planning diet for diabetes
6. Monitoring your body
7. Taking medications
Chapter 1 – Understanding High Blood Pressure
Chapter 2 – Hypertension and Exercise
Chapter 3 – Aerobic Exercise and Blood Pressure
Chapter 4 – Nutrition for High Blood Pressure
Chapter 5 – Blood Pressure Medication for the Active
The sports supplements industry has a reputation for selling inferior products and making false claims about the properties of their ingredients. Fortunately, over the years, a few supplements have been clinically studied and have survived the test and time. In this course, you will learn about the most proven supplements in the market, along with their mode of action and proof. In addition, you will learn how to overcome deficiencies and properly create a full supplementation plan. This course is a must for anyone serious about becoming a high-level coach.
Course Contents:
Chapter 1 - Introduction to Supplementation: Nutrients
Chapter 2 - Macro-Nutrients Supplementation
Chapter 3 - Micro-Nutrients Supplementation
Chapter 4 - Understanding Ergogenic Aids
Chapter 5 - Muscle Builders
Chapter 6 - Fat-Burners and Repartitioning Agents
Chapter 7 - Performance and Recovery Enhancement
Chapter 8 - Basics of Effective Supplementation
Chapter 9 - Supplement Programs
This course is ideal for a personal trainer or transformation specialist who wants to fine-tune their skills in constructing diet plans. This course teaches you practical ways to construct diets for all goals, from weight loss, fat loss, and muscle gain to physique prep. You will also study popular diets like keto and paleo and get many sample diets. This course also covers all the proven supplements available on the market today and how to use them. You will also learn how to adjust diets for different demographics.
Lesson 1: Foundation of Nutritional Science
- Homeostasis and the negative feedback loop
- anabolism and catabolism
- Hormones
- Physiology of fat loss: Insulin and Glucagon
- Calories, calculating BMR and MR, Leptin
- Estimating body fat percentage
- Salient features of Protein, fats and carbs, fiber: Estimating requirements and identifying healthy sources.
- Important micronutrients
- Nutrient density and calorie density
- Macros vs Food Groups
Lesson 2: Application of Nutritional Science
- Food groups and profiles: Dairy, eggs, Lean meats, Red meats, Fish, Seafood, Nuts, Seeds, Legumes, Beans, Grains, fruits, green vegetables, other vegetables, herbs, spices, and cooking materials.
- Foods to avoid.
- Vegetarian vs Non-Vegetarian Diets
- Portion sizes
- Role of training and workout nutrition
- Rules of dieting
- Logging and counting calories
- The process of creating dieting plans
- Chart of common foods
Lesson 3: Ketogenic Dieting
- The origin and history of the diet
- Fundamental Reasoning
- Pros
- Cons
- Allowed foods
- Not Allowed foods
- Diet Structure
- Suitability
- Recommended workout structure
- Sample diets:
Veg and Non-Veg at 1500, 2000, and 2500
Lesson 4: Paleolithic Dieting
- The origin and history of the diet
- Fundamental Reasoning
- Diet Structure and features
- Pros
- Cons
- Allowed foods
- Not Allowed foods
- Suitability
- Recommended workout structure
- Sample diets:
Non-veg at 1500, 2000 and 2500
Lesson 5: Intermittent fasting
- The origin and history of the diet
- Fundamental Reasoning
- Diet Structure
- Pros
- Cons
- Allowed foods
- Not Allowed foods
- Suitability
- Recommended workout structure
- Sample diets:
Veg and Non-Veg at 1500, 2000 and 2500
Lesson 6: Bodybuilding Diets 1 The system
- The origin and history of the diet
- Fundamental Reasoning
- Diet Structure and Phase Structure
- Pros
- Cons
- Bulking foods
- Cutting foods
- Suitability
- Sample Bulking Diets:
Veg and Non-Veg at 3000, 3500, 4000
- Sample Cutting Diets:
Veg and Non-Veg at 1500, 2000, 2500
Lesson 7: Carb Cycling
- Basic Logic
- Carb Cycling during Bulking: Carb Depletion samples
- Carb Cycling during cutting: Refeed and cheat meal samples
- Pros
- Cons
Lesson 8: Supplements for Muscle Gain
- Understanding workout supplementation
- Pre vs intra vs Post with templates
- Understanding supplementation for nutrition vs supplementation for physiological effects
- Whey
- Casein
- Carb supplements
- Beta-alanine
- L – Arginine
- Caffeine
- Glutamine
- Creatine
- AA
- Gokshura
- Ashwagandha
- Shilajit
- Vit E
- Fenugreek
- Citrulline malate
- Tongkat Ali
- Icariin (Horny goat weed)
- Leucine
Lesson 9: Supplements for Fat Loss and General Health
- Introduction
- Yohimbe
- Green tea
- Kapikachhu Extract
- Garcinia Cambogia/HCA (hydroxy citric acid)
- Chromium
- Phenylalanine
- PA
- Fish oil
- L Carnitine
- Coconut oil/CLA
- Forskolin
- Primrose Oil/ GLA
- Taurine
- L Tartrate
- Fiber
- Haldi
- Apple cider vinegar
- Zinc
- B complex
- Magnesium
- Potassium
- Vit D
- Ginger
- Garlic Extract
- Liv 52
- Melatonin
Lesson 10: Adjusting Diets
- Women
- Elderly
- Athletes
- Bodybuilders
- Lifters and athletes
- Sedentary
- Injured
- Thyroid
- Diabetes/Sugar
- Metabolic Syndrome
- Damaged digestion