PT Sales System

₹ 10999/-

PT Sales System

1. Overview of the P.T. Sales System Course

A brief description and definition of the P.T. Sales System revealing why every trainer should adhere to its principles.

A simple and effective sales system designed specifically for the personal trainers in the gyms.

Part I – The Skills and Questions that lay the foundation for the P.T. Sales System

 2. Questioning Skillfully

The first of four Communication Skills. Learn effective questioning techniques that put you in control of every situation.

 3. Listening Carefully

Sure-fire tips on how to be an effective listener and why every great trainer is a great listener.

 4. Giving Information

How to read your client's thoughts and make your client feel comfortable with you from the very start.

 5. Recognizing Feelings

The difference between logical and emotional information and how you can use it to your advantage.

 6. The "Say Yes" Vocabulary

The words you choose to say have a larger impact than you think. Learn which words and phrases trigger fear in your client and which words create automatic commitment.

Part II – Relationship and Value-Building

 7. Prospecting

The only two prospecting techniques you will ever need to use in your health club or gym.
 8. Referrals

How to get your clients working for you.
 9. Marketing (inside & outside)

What is marketing to the in-house trainer? and how to capitalize on the answer.
10. The Confirmation Call

Learn how to raise the value and build commitment with a simple phone call.

Part III – Breakdown of the P.T. Sales System. 

12. Introduction

The first step of the P.T. Sales System.
13. Profile

The second step of the P.T. Sales System.
14. Workout

The third step of the P.T. Sales System.
15. Recap

The fourth step of the P.T. Sales System.
16. Presentation/ Close

The fifth step to the P.T. Sales System.
17. The Renewal Cycle

How to turn your new clients into long-term clients.

Business development

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